Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MAP of Steve Fossett Disappearance Area!

When the Thermal Winds picked up around the INTERSTATE Power Lines, could Steve Fossett have landed in the Shown Map Area and waited for better flying conditions? Then the new government hired security contractor moved in to secure a CLASSIFIED AREA and "CONFISCATED" his plane in an "Unfriendly Gesture"?Google Earth Community: Search for Steve Fossett
After all, with the government obviously unaware of the procedures of their contracted security forces despite maintaining the classified procedures attributed to secure area containment; would they be able to locate the PRESIDENT, if he vacationed at the Hilton Ranch and jeeped around these often government gated roads?
Poster on Search For Steve Fossett: On an Olympic scale, facts get a 9.9, unproven and as such 'non factual facts' get a 6.9, while 'hunches' just get you time hanging onto a building in France, a Gypsy reading (yet again), and/or a 'bird' named Esmeralda, rest CENSORED BY GOOGLE

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